How to post a service offer

  1. Login and click the Create button on the navigation bar and select Service Offer.
  2. Enter the service offer information (the ui on that page is self-explanatory).

{info} Instant Hiring

Instant hiring allows the client to hire you instantly without sending a 'hiring proposal'. This feature is handy as you can disable it if you need to discuss it with your client before starting the contract.

  1. Once all the settings are correct. Click POST to create the service offer.
  2. The service offer has been created. You can advertise your service offer using the URL. Also, keep an eye out for any hiring proposal submitted by the client (if you disable the instant hiring). You can use our built-in messages to discuss the client's work before accepting or declining that proposal.
  3. To start the work, make sure to accept the proposal. This way, the system can create a contract from that proposal, and you can create a payment using the contract details page.
  4. Ensure to change the availability to Unavailable if you already got enough work for that service offer.
  5. When the work done, the client can click the CLOSE CONTRACTS button on the contract details page.