[IN PROGRESS] Translate Freecodecamp.org to Hausa
The Nano Foundation has committed to translating Freecodecamp.org through Crowdin to Hausa. The tool pre-translates all texts and translators need to make improvements and approvals. There is a total of 450.000 words per language to translate. We will divide the workload over two translators per language. The jobs are full-time and expect it to take about 10 weeks. The job pays 150 nano per translator. Instalments of 15 nano are made for every 22.500 words completed through NanoJobs.space. Deadline for completion is 24th of August 2022.
- Introduce yourself
- Write a motivation
- Great language skills
- Affinity with coding and technical vocabulary
- 20-40 hours per week or more available for 10 weeks
- Share social profiles
- Do video call with camera
Read more about the work:
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/world-language-translation-effort/
If you’re interested. Please send me a proposal here. You will receive a message back with either an invitation for a video call soon or a brief explanation why we decided not to move forward.
- Introduce yourself
- Write a motivation
- Great language skills
- Affinity with coding and technical vocabulary
- 20-40 hours per week or more available for 10 weeks
- Share social profiles
- Do video call with camera
Read more about the work:
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/world-language-translation-effort/
If you’re interested. Please send me a proposal here. You will receive a message back with either an invitation for a video call soon or a brief explanation why we decided not to move forward.
0 submitted proposals
The job has been closed
Job details
Posted since
18/05/2022 08:52:02
2 years ago
Pay rate
Fixed -
to 150.00
Time required
20 - 40 hrs/week
Job length
10 - 10 weeks
Computer Science
Paid total