Nano Jobs

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working platform for talents

Find work and get paid instantly & feelessly via NANO.
No banking information required.

Instant & Feeless payment

NANO network is blazing fast. As soon as you make a payment, the talent will get NANO instantly.

Be both

One account in Nano Jobs gives you the ability to look for work or list the work yourself. Be both client and talent at the same time.

The dashboard allows you to see your data at a glance.

Limitless freedom!

Be your own bank. Say no to the processing time!

Nano Jobs allows anyone to work from anywhere in the world. You don't need to have access to a bank account to get paid. This is the future.

No price comparison

Nano Jobs won't compare NANO price to USD or any other fiat currency. We believe that 1 NANO = 1 NANO. It’s up to the client and talent to negotiate the amount upfront before starting any work.

If the client worries about the price fluctuation (as if it might increase in value when time passes), the client can store NANO now and pay the talent later when the job finished.

We believe that in the future that the price of NANO can be more stable if the market cap gets bigger.

Now, to the important question


There are more than ten thousand cryptocurrencies available nowadays, and this is why we choose NANO.


If you offer services, you'll be in love with the feeless nature of NANO.

If the client transfers 25 NANO, you'll get precisely 25 NANO. Yes, no fee whatsoever.


NANO confirmation time is less than 3 seconds. You'll get your fund instantly after the client transfer it.


NANO is decentralized. You will be your own bank so no banking information is required. Anyone in the world can get paid in NANO!.

What are you waiting for? Let's get to work!

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